It's been quite the month, and work has swung into a bit of grind as we squash bugs in the code. Meanwhile, my freelance work continues with more video editing, writing, and the start of some layout work. So, let's kick off and review the last month.
Freelance Work
Over the last month, I have been cranking out more marketing videos for Cubicle 7's various games, including their latest one, The Laundry RPG 2e, which is based on The Laundry Files series of books.
Furthermore, the latest book for Wrath and Glory has been released: Vow of Absolution. This book focuses on the Absolver Chapter of Space Marines and provides players with new rules and archetypes for the game. While working on this book, I painted the squad of Primaris Assault Intercessors (top image), and this week, I painted a new squad.
My contribution to this book focused on how to play as and GM games involving Space Marines, particularly high-tier characters.
As well as painting up the squad of Absolvers, I have finally started working on the Kingdom Death expansion, the Gambler's Chest. So, back to painting some bizarre monsters. Furthermore, to paint these models, I recently upgraded my airbrush to the new Harder & Steenbeck Evolution 2024 CR+, a great bit of kit to lay down smooth basecoats.
As for the podcast, we are back in action. We have recorded the first of the deep-dive episodes covering the game Old Gods of Appalachia. I have also recorded a new episode of Realm of Fire with Sian Ingham, where we chat about the latest outrage in the GW community and rant about Dune. A new episode of Darker Days Radio is out, where Chigg interviews David Chapman from Cubicle 7 about The Laundry RPG.