Ever feel like things just snowballed? My last few months have been exactly that.
These last two months saw me complete a new feature for the project, and it has been a bit of a battle both to get the code and AWS services working together and to get the QA team to understand better how they are testing things, i.e., to ignore outliers. It was a good few months leading up to my full-year performance review, pay rise and above-expectation bonus.
The timing could not have been better, however, as my mobile died. It was just entirely powered off, not charging, nothing. Dead, dead, dead. Not what you need when you use MFA for everything at work and beyond, and of course, I will be off to Nottingham on Saturday for an event. Queue a mad scramble to get authenticators running on my tablet and buy a new phone—thank you for that extra bit on the bonus.
Since painting up my Cryx army, the last couple of months has seen the end of the first half of the Necromunda campaign, which restarts next week with some narrative missions. It's always fun to inject some new stories into the campaign as the Arbitrator. In preparation of the next half of the campaign I have painted up some Enforcer robots. Can't wait to suppress the gangs with these.

Of course Warmachine has featured a lot recently in my gaming, and that has also meant running demo games at local events, such as Krkur Con, run by my local games club. The response was positive, with people really enjoying the action of the game system, and the miniatures themselves.

I've also been preparing for the arrival of Trench Crusade minis and the new Gravediggers for Warmachine, by building new terrain for Warmachine - trenches!

I am really looking forward to seeing how this terrain impacts Warmachine and creates some exciting, yet asymmetric gameplay.
I also got the new version of Magnus and his super heavy warjack, the Invictus. It's a superb miniature, and I am really looking forward to painting it.
Freelance Work
I was invited onto The Painting Phase to chat about the overlap between wargames and rpgs, and how rpgs are a vehicle for setting development.
As mentioned in the video, there are a few events coming up.
I am running demos of Warmachine at Chillcon on March 22nd, and Lead and Steel on March 29th.
But before that on the 1st March I am at Warhammer World for the 25th anniversary of the event space opening, and running demos of Age of Sigmar Soulbound.
Meanwhile, the press release regarding Trashumanism has been released, announcing that myself and Le Destory will be working with Gehenna Gaming as our publishing partner.

There is still some more stuff to be announced, but let's move on to new releases and Kickstarters.
Still on KS is the new expansions for Kult, which contains a short scenario that I wrote.

Then, the new campaign book for Wrath and Glory, which is tied into the computer game Darktide, is out on preorder with an early-release PDF. For this, I did a good amount of setting writing and some random event tables.
