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Writer's pictureChris Handley


Aurora Borealis over Sheffield

Each month seems packed with quite a lot going on, and since I last posted things with work, freelance work and hobbies have been rumbling along.


This month has been a grind and crunch time, as some work has to be done before the end of the month, and it has not been the easiest. It has tested me both in terms of learning some new stuff and, in some respects, dealing with imposter syndrome because, at times, I felt quite stupid as I struggled to get my head around how all our database stuff worked and interacted with. I put in some extra time, though, and I feel I am ahead of schedule and as best as possible. I hope this week wraps up that and I can move on to some new work and get past this crunch period.


I'm currently still doing my first bit of layout work as a trial run to see if I can do it. It is a project with no time limit, but I do want it done soon so that I can prove that I can do layout work and have evidence of it.

Meanwhile, on the video editing front, yet another video is now out for Cubicle 7 to advertise their upcoming Darktide Card Game. This was a bit of a different affair to those previously because the video was much longer, and it had to go through Games Workshop approvals, too. But the result was good and it was featured as part of the Skulls stream that GW does to promote their computer game-related products. So it meant the video has been seen by 10s of thousands of people already.

On a related note, UKGE is this coming weekend, and so I will be there, chatting to other game creators and getting interviews with them for the podcast while also catching up with those I have worked with, such as Cubicle 7, OnTableTop, and more. Oh, and buying nerd stuff!

James and I outside Warhammer World in front of the Rhino
Oh look, the first thing you see as you walk into Warhammer World, a book I worked on!
Longclaw Lenora - Kingdom Death

So while I have been painting a few new things, I also have been playing Warmachine MK4. I'm not sure why it has taken me this long to get back into playing it, but Alex and I have now played 2 games of the new edition, and it is great. Though streamlined, the rules are pretty much as they always have, and the gameplay is just as tactical and exciting, with fun moments as the warjacks grind into each other. I'm looking forward to finishing painting my remaining models for both armies, picking up some extras for the Khador, and starting a Cryx army, as the new range looks incredible. I never thought Warmachine would hook me again, but they have maintained a consistent format and a well-designed app that makes playing and learning easy.

As always, there are plenty of new episodes of Darker Days Radio for people to listen to.

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