You knew it was coming. What are my top 5 factions in Age of Sigmar?
Age of Sigmar I feel really came into its own with the 2nd edition and the Necroquake, with the release of the Emerald Host - Nighthaunts. Speaking of which!
1. Nighthaunts.

There is just something about these ghosties. The models looked so dynamic at the time. There was nothing else like them. And everything flies/moves through objects. There is nowhere to hide!
2. Daughters of Khaine

Murderous witch aelves venerating a dead god, all while their high priestess lies to them. Witch Elves, as they were in the world that was were quite iconic, but an entire faction of them with the snake and bat-like warriors evocated the fantasy films of Ray Harryhausen, where gorgons and harpies were the monsters the heroes faced.
3. Slaves to Darkness

My first Warhammer Fantasy army was Chaos, using those first multipart Chaos Warriors (who were a bugger to rank up). But in the Mortal Realms, other than demons and Chaos Warriors, we now have cultists galore, thanks to the amazing Warcry game. I am quite fond of the Cypher Lords, and each warband has a theme that evokes some society somewhere in the Realms. I almost have an entire army of these.
4. Stormcast Eternals

Sigmarines as people like to call them, but again, the designs in the 2nd edition were much more interesting. as they had robes over their armour. The idea of warrior wizards for an entire army almost was awesome, and the Celestial Warbringers are seers and prophets of battle seem rather fun. Oh and I love the idea that the Stormcast are flawed as each reforging erodes their souls.
5. Idoneth Deepkin
I don't own an army of these fishy aelves, but I love once more the Greek styling of their armour, and the very notion of sea creatures riding a magical tidal surge, as the Aelves go plundering for souls. Pretty rad.