You may be thinking, "Hey Chris, you've played GW games for a while, and written for the RPG, so what are your favourite factions in the game?" Well in no particular order, here they are.
1. Genestealer Cult
Now I will be honest, I have never played using this army in 40k, because by the time they came out I was out of the game for some time. But they are what drew me back in so I could play Kill Team. Plus they also were a great option for the classic Necromunda as they had rules to be a gang. Of course, things evolved quickly, the faction expanded past what was in the minis board game, Deathwatch: Overkill, and soon they had fully-fledged rules in Necromunda. Genestealers are a nasty and icky threat to the Imperium, and let you basically have the fun of gangs and the Imperial Guard but with the bio horror of the Tyranids.
2. Drukhari
There is just something rather cool about these sadistic Aeldari who are staving off the soul leeching horror of Slaanesh, by flaying and torturing others. Their history, ancestor worship, and complex relationship with the emerging god of the dead for the Aeldari makes these crazy killers so much fun.
3. Orks
Wild, cunning, brutal, and fun miniatures. Oh and Gorkamorka was a fucking awesome game. Orks are just fun to collect, fun to paint, fun to convert.
4. Blood Ravens
There is just something about the paint scheme, their possible ties to the Thousand Suns, and the knack for psychic powers and ancient relics. Blood Ravens just have the air of cool to them that is lacking from Ultramarines.
5. Rogue Traders
Do you want super cool characters? Marines? Sisters of Battle? Some aliens too? Rogue Traders are just a fun way of mixing and matching from your collection, giving you a force akin to the days of 1st and 2nd edition 40k.