In this game, each force was 5opts. The objective was to take and hold the bridge, with the winner having 3VPs greater than the opponent on their opponent's turn.
The Cygnar force consisted of;
Caine 4
Stryker with Shield and Halberd
Black 13th
Storm Legionnaires
The Cryx force consisted of;
Nekane 1
Raptor with Arc Node and Deathripper head
Malefactor with Harpoon, Helldriver, and Death Shroud

The battlefield consisted of a river down the diagonal with a bridge in the centre and some barricades nearby for cover.
Going first, the Cryx moved forward, ready to claim the bridge, with the Furies heading right to outflank the Cygnar, and the Raptor and Hades heading down the middle of the battlefield.
The Cygnar ran forward, with the Black 13th heading down the right hand side, with Caine moving up into cover, while Deuce moved into position to target the bridge. The Storm Legionnaires took up position behind cover.

The Raptor moves onto the bridge, followed by the Hades, while the Furies moved on across the river. With little in range, and facing many magical attacks, there was little defensive magic to use.

Deuce moved forward and, in two good shots, had almost ripped the Hades apart, while the Black 13th finished the job. The Stryker attempted to charge the Raptor, but failed. However, thanks to Caine, it carried an armour buff, while Caine also ensured the army had a defense buff using Deflect. Caine then proceeded to punch holes in the Raptor.

Attempting to make some difference, the Furies moved into position and charged the Storm Legionnaires and the Malefactor approached the river as the Raptor failed to make a dent in the Stryker. Chatterband followed the Malefactor close to keep it cloaked in noxious smoke, as Nekane moved forward.
The Stryker sauntered up to the Raptor and trashed it, as Deuce and Caine blasted the Furies away, with the Black 13th targeting the Malefactor.

With the advantage with the Cygnar forces in terms of numbers, the only option left was to try an assassination run on Caine. Spending a Focus to move across the river using her grapple hook, Nekane charged up to Caine, bypassing the barricade. Thanks to the Feat in play, attacks were boosted using sacrificed health, allowing every point of Focus to be spent on buying extra attacks. And with that, Caine was out of action, and the game was over.