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Writer's pictureChris Handley

Warming Up

Kicking off the new year well I feel. Campaigns are continuing, intro games have been run, and work is going really well to be honest. And the house is in the last phase of being renovated.

At home, with the attic bedroom now replastered where there was damp and repainted. Which now means a lot of the decorating gear has been put out the way, furniture put where it should be, and also more things that are unused and unwanted taken to the charity shops. It's the home stretch now with ceilings to paint in some rooms, and the doors to paint.


The end of the financial year also means final year performance reviews. Having only been at S&P Global for 6 months I didn't have as much as I would like to reflect on, but there were some good things, some contributions to the software much sooner than expected, plus the mentoring of graduate software engineers, one of whom joined recently that I have taken on. I've learnt a lot in the last 6 months, a lot about AWS, and improved my own programming while starting to learn Typescript and Go, so I think my performance, just for 6 months is great. The next year I forsee being a lot of fun and a chance to move towards a leadership position. I am definitely getting out of this job what I would have wanted as a researcher, but with a lot less stress and more secure role.


So some cool things turned up, like the new Tauros kit which is a vehicle for my Necromunda Enforcers to ride about in, and the kits is excellent, and clearly designed to be repacked for use in 40k for the Imperial Guard. I had a lot of fun running an intro game to Warcry for one of the group that will be in the campaign starting up at the local club, plus ran a demo game of Necromunda for two more players who are interested in a campaign when the next one spins up.

On a related note, I had the joy of interview Sian Ingham and Tommie Soule for the podcast, looking at the topics of the horror of the Imperium in 40k, and painting minis and the methods to how you teach that. A lot of fun and the links are below.


Some work is now out in the wild or on its way there. Eldritch Automata is 1/3 funded, and so I really hope it reaches the funding goal.

Also, finally out to preorder and get the pdf is Inheritance of Embers, the Aeldari player book for Wrath and Glory. This project was a natural progression from the work for Threat Assessment Xenos, since I wrote the Corsair bestiary for that book, and so for this Aeldari book I continued on this road, fleshing out the Corsairs as playable archetypes, which was especially fun since they have been recently updated for 40k with new models. It will be quite cool to see what people play for streamed games now that all Aeldari games are more than viable.

Finally, at the start of March, for the Lead and Steel mini con in Sheffield, I will be running a day long drop in game demo game for Wrath and Glory, and will have there for people to look at the core rule books and starter set for Wrath and Glory, and others.

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