I think it must be a good sign of how things are going with my freelance writing that work is coming in at a pace that I now have less time between contracts, and the word count and payment per word is going up. Seems I can deliver work well, and in a timely fashion. And that means I am finally getting to the point where I need to pick and choose my projects so I can do my best work and not overload myself to the detriment of that work and my day job.
One of the last projects I finished for Privateer Press and now is on Kickstarter is the next book for the Iron Kingdoms RPG - The Nightmare Empire. This book has been a long time coming as it never had an equivalent in the previous iteration of the RPG. In this book, we got to explore the Sharde Islands and the undead empire of Cryx, which is completely bonkers. It meant I got to write a lot of world-building material, explore life on those islands, plus design some new character types for DnD 5e - like playable ghosts! Also, something that was important to put into this book, given the nature of life and death on those islands, was a section regarding safety tools at the table. A lot of what I wrote was an iteration of the excellent work done by peers on games like Vampire the Masquerade, and I am just happy to ensure that Privateer Press is also able to demonstrate that we care that players care about each other in their games.
In the world of Warhammer, things slowed a little for the podcast as Darker Days Radio has realigned and brought into the fold the guys at the Realm of Fire podcast, which basically means more casual episodes about wargaming - which for me is just me ranting about how awesome Necromunda is. But more recently I did finish work for Cubicle 7 on the hotly anticipated book - the bestiary book for Wrath and Glory. This will contain a whole plethora of antagonists for that game and it was a joy to work on.
However, a huge milestone was hit for Darker Days Radio recently - our 13th anniversary, which also just about coincides with my 12 years of podcasting with the show. It's quite incredible we have lasted this long, and kept the level of energy, and style, and not just got burnt out and abandoned it. Mark Hope, who was one of the original hosts of the show joined us to reflect on the last 13 years of the podcast.
Also out today is the next issue of CYBR Magazine. This issue takes a look at AI, and robotics, and my article this issue is less heavy on the science, as I explored the series Westworld, now just starting to broadcast its 4th season. I look at the themes and ideas in that show, in particular the nature of AI, predictive capabilities, and what that could mean for Humanity.
Finally, the day job rolls on. It's exciting times as I am bringing a mothballed project out and bringing it to life, while also the current project nears a sort of end, but it has been fun learning new skills with cloud computing. I hope to say more about that soon.
But an interesting turn of events recently is that 2 papers I have been waiting a year to publish, based on my work at the University of Sheffield, are submitted and I can't wait to share what those are about here.
OK time for toy soldiers I have painted recently.